For this lesson, me and my partner made a hub and wheels for our fire fighting robot. During this process it started off a little easy, but once it came to the printing aspect, it became a little bit more difficult. We had to go through a trial and error process to get the hub the correct size.

When we first printed it, it was too small, which was expected. But then we needed to figure out what would fit next. So we ended up changing the dimensions to 1.6 rather than 1.5, and it worked really well.


As you can see in the photo, the dimensions say 1.6mm. But the first time they were 1.5mm.




After figuring out those dimensions, me and my partner designed the wheel to look like this;


By doing this design it made it look stylish, while being able to complete its job.

Ultimately in the end the final product ended up looking like: