by Anna-Kate Schiebel | May 13, 2023 | Microprocessor Projects
One of our final projects this semester was to create a fire fighting robot. What this entails is my partner and I would design, code, and test a robot that will put out a small flame. Going in to this project at the beginning of the year was very frightening. I never...
by Anna-Kate Schiebel | Apr 24, 2023 | Microprocessor Projects
For this lesson, me and my partner made a hub and wheels for our fire fighting robot. During this process it started off a little easy, but once it came to the printing aspect, it became a little bit more difficult. We had to go through a trial and error process to...
by Anna-Kate Schiebel | Apr 19, 2023 | Microprocessor Projects
For this project we programed our flame sensors! When we first started we did the coding so that it could successfully find a flame and when it did, the fan would start. This is what the code looks like; After coding we then had to figure out how to correctly wire the...
by Anna-Kate Schiebel | Apr 3, 2023 | Microprocessor Projects
This week in ENGR 199, we got the opportunity to use our ultra sonic sensor to detect a person at a particular distance. In the video linked below, it should show how if you hold your hand above the sensor the servo should “open” and once you move your...
by Anna-Kate Schiebel | Mar 2, 2023 | Microprocessor Projects
I recently had to create the motor mount for my firefighting robot and here is how it went! First I found the photo I needed that was best reference to my motor mount. Which looked like this, I got this photo from this link. To import this photo to onShape I needed to...
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