Project: Motor Mount
For this project I used this drawing as reference to design my motor mount. The drawing was pulled from:

I designed my motor mount in Onshape, using the reference photo above, the physical stepper motor its self, parts of a tutorial provided by the Professor, and dimensions for the bracket provided by the Professor.
In Onshape I created an L shape drawing, making the height of the bracket 25mm, I then did a same size constraint to have the length of the bracket match the height. I made the thickness of the upper part bracket 3 mm, I then did another same size constraint to the lower of the bracket to ensure it was also 3 mm thick. I then extruded the bracket using the symmetric option, so it extrudes equally on both sides of the sketch plane. I extruded the sketch by 50mm.

Motor mount with no holes.
Using the know midline (sketch plane) I draw a circle that was 9mm in diameter to fit the shaft of the gear, this circle was near the horizonal portion of the bracket. From this circle I drew 2 lines each one going out 17.5mm from the center of the circle, I then drew a line from the ends of each of these lines that moved away from the horizontal portion of the bracket I then made these line 8mm long. From the end of these lines I drew a circle (on each end) that was 4mm in diameter. This resulted in the part of the bracket where the motor its stepper would go. After drawing these circles I then moved to the Sketch plane line on the upper part of the bracket, and drew 2 lines going out 17.5mm left and right. I then drew 2 holes 4mm in diameter from both ends of these lines. After drawing these lines I extruded all these holes into the bracket to remove the material. I set the extrude settings to have extrusion go to the face opposite of the drawings. This then create the holes for my motor mount.
From this point I exported the object and saved the object as a 3MF files so I could import it into the PrusaSlicer, after importing the object into the PrusaSlicer I set the material to be used to Generic PLA, I had the print settings as .15mm, I set he printer as the Original Prusa Mini & Mini+, I then set the infill at 20%. I then sliced the object, I used the default settings for the slicing, I then exported the G-Code to a USD Thumb drive and printed the object on a Prusa Mini printer.

Motor mount in the PrusaSlicer
The motor mount took 58 minutes to print, and it came out of the printer with a decent quality, I took my stepper motor and attacked it the bracket and it fit into the holes, and the attachment holes lined up as well.

Printed motor mount and mounted stepper motor
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