Motor Mount

I made this L-bracket mount for the 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor in my Arduino kit. To create the bracket, I went on Onshape, started on the front plan in the first quadrant, and sketched an “L” shape.

Then I started making the dimensions (25 mm long and 2 mm depth) and extruded the “L” shape to make it a bracket (50 mm symmetrical).

Next, it was time to create the five holes using the sketch and hole tools. The big hole has a diameter of 9mm and is 15 mm from the top, and the smaller holes have a diameter of 4 mm and are 7 mm from their closest edge.

Lastly, I rounded all the sharp edges so that it won’t be so sharp and cut anyone when made. I used this page as a reference link to complete the holes’ dimensions and the bracket’s size.

And I used PrusaSlicer, which went to a Prusa MINI 3D printer using blue Prusament PLA. It took 50 minutes to print and perfectly held the Stepper Motor.