For this assignment, I had to design a wheel to fit onto the mounting face of the motor. In order to do this, I started with the dimensions of the motor found here ( The image I used is located to the right. I used these dimensions to design a hub in CAD. My design is located to the left.


From there, I exported the CAD design as a 3mf file and sliced it in the PrusaSlicer application. The screenshot of my first slice is off to the left. The first iteration, with an inner diameter of 3 mm, was too small and didn’t fit onto the motor shaft, so I printed the next two iterations with diameters of 3.25 mm and 3.5 mm. The hub with a diameter of 3.25 fit almost perfectly, but it was just slightly too loose.


So, I expanded the hub into a full wheel with an inner diameter of 3.2 and printed it. The slice for that is off to the right. Once this wheel was printed, it fit perfectly onto the motor shaft. It press fit onto the shaft and it doesn’t slip at all. The pictures of the printed hub and wheel on the motor can be seen below.