by Haley Glenn | Apr 13, 2023 | Intro to Engineering Projects
First I followed the video to create the hub for the wheel. It technically fit, but it was extremely hard to get on and off so I adjusted the measurements just a tiny bit and ended up with these measurements: Next, I designed the wheel to have a cool geometric pattern...
by Haley Glenn | Apr 10, 2023 | Intro to Engineering Projects
This project is about getting the flame sensor to start a fan when triggered. The fan is wired to a relay and 5V. The relay is then wired to the arduino, 5V, ground, and input pin 13. The sensor is wired to 5V, ground, and analog output. The sensor detects the flame...
by Haley Glenn | Apr 5, 2023 | Honors Projects, Intro to Engineering Projects
For my honor project, I decided to build a Nerf turret. I followed an outline set by projecthub. I had to 3D print all of the parts, put them together, build code for an app which I use to control the robot and redesign the original Arduino code to better fit my...
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