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In this Video, Servo Video, I used an ultra-sonic sensor along with a servo to make a circuit that opened the servo to 180 degrees and closed it to 0 degrees after two second once the ultra-sonic sensor found that something was 5 or less inches away from it.

  • Ultra-sonic sensor- These sensors work by sending out an ultra-sonic sound wave that will hit an object and bounce back. The sensor will pick up these reflected sound wave and the divide the amount of time since it sent the wave by two to find how long it took for the wave to hit the nearest object. With the amount of time it took to hit the nearest object it runs an equation to get from time to distance and then it relays that back to the Arduino.
  • Servo- This is a motor that has the ability to turn a certain amount normally only 90 degrees in each direction or a total of 180 degrees. The actual motor in the servo moves extremely fast but there is a very large gear ratio meaning the while the motor moves fast the output isn’t nearly as quick. This allows the servo to have much more torque and be a lot more precise.