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AM Receiver

This is another honors project, this time for ENGR-200, with Professor Spendlove. For this project, I wanted to challenge myself with something that would not typically be in the curriculum of a mechanical engineer, so I went with an AM receiver. Going into this, I...

Fire Fighting Robot

For this project, we had to create a robot car that could solve a maze and put out a fire. The maze looked like this. vvv My partner’s blog post. We were supposed to digitally draft and 3D print a few parts, including, the motor mounts, the wheels and their...

Arduino Piano

This project was purely elective. For an honors project in ENGR-199, Dr. Harris told me to go to,, and to choose three potential projects. The ones I chose were, a piano that used capacitive touch sensors instead of...

Hubs and Wheel Mount

For this leg of my final project for ENGR-199, I had to create a hub that could hold a wheel onto a stepper motor. This was done in multiple iterations, printing only the part of the wheel that attaches to the stepper motor to save time and plastic. I started with an...

Flame Sensor and Relay

In this project, we were originally supposed to use a temperature sensor to detect a fire and then signal to a relay to turn on a fan, but the temperature sensor only worked when in contact with the heat source so we jury-rigged the temperature sensor into an IR...

Ultra Sonic Sensor and Servo Motor

link to video. Ultrasonic sensors work by having 2 small speakers, one being an output, shooting out ultrasonic sound, and the other being an input, acting as a microphone for the sound released by the other speaker. We can take the elapsed time it took for the sound...