by Peyton Yarbrough | Mar 7, 2025 | 3D Models
In my ENGR 200 class I was tasked with modeling “something cool”. I chose to draw the whale, Blubber, from the card game Doomlings that I play with my friends. I used Fusion 360 to model this design. I printed two whales, a smaller and bigger version, on a...
by Peyton Yarbrough | Dec 12, 2024 | Microprocessor Projects
The goal of the project was to get the ESP32 and the STM32 to communicate with each other. The STM32 was supposed to read two inputs, and the ESP32 was supposed to display them when a button on the webpage was toggled. The project was able to be completed with one...
by Peyton Yarbrough | May 7, 2024 | Microprocessor Projects
The Maze is controlled with an MPU 6050 accelerometer. The accelerometer uses the I2C protocol and reads the x, y, and z input from the module. The Arduino then uses the acceleration values and the gyro values to get a (mostly) accurate reading of the...
by Peyton Yarbrough | Feb 6, 2024 | Microprocessors
LED Tic-Tac-Toe I built a Tic Tac Toe game. The game objective is to beat your opponent by getting three in a row. In the wiring diagram shown below (Figure 1) it shows buttonSelect and buttonMove. Players will use buttonMove to move the cursor, which is displayed as...
by Peyton Yarbrough | May 11, 2023 | Honors Projects, Intro to Engineering Projects
Design Process I started with a base project that I found online. I found it on Thingiverse, by a user who goes by the name Blayder. I was able to get a parts list and it helped me hit the ground running. I added a Piazzo and an Infrared Sensor to enhance the design....
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