In order to create a motor mount for the stepper motor (shown below). I first downloaded a photo of the dimensions from

I then drew everything to scale using the image as a background for my design. In order to do this, you open onShape and create a new document. You then select “sketch” and pick the plane you would like to create your sketch on. Next, click on the DXF button to import the image you downloaded. Once this image is opened, you should then be able to scale it to your desired size. After this, close the sketch. Once you close the sketch, you should be able to create another sketch to put on top of your previous one.

Once I created the design that I wanted for the motor mount, I imported my design to the PrusaSlicer 2.5.0 to make final touched to my design. I ended up printing my design using PLA filament and a Prusa mini printer. The design too about 50 minutes in total to print.